Here are Tokti.AI’s (‘our’) data preservation and integrity principles and guidelines when dealing with the imagery/data you upload and derived assets (‘Artworks’).

  1. The following assets are stored for a minimum of 30 days after initial image inference (creation of ‘Artworks’) or termination of access.
  1. Uploaded images of your pet(s)
  1. We do not and will not sell or use this image data for any means other than training a custom diffusion model with the exception of our own marketing material (see 4)
  1. Models
  1. We do not and will not sell or use this model with the exception of customer support, debugging & testing of internal systems and our own marketing material (see 4).  
  2. Models will be periodically used to generate new ‘Artworks’ as they are added to the Tokti.AI systems.
  1. Your rendered AI ‘Artworks’
  1. We do not and will not sell or use derivative ‘Artworks’ for any means with the exception of our own marketing material (see 4)
  1. Your image data may be used on any of our websites, social media, and apps including marketing pages to show current user activity and promote our product. We will absolutely never display publicly identifiable information.
  2. Who owns the resulting images?  This is an evolving topic in the Copyright field.
  1. “According to the U.S. Copyright Office, copyright law only protects works that are made by a human being, not those of a monkey, an elephant, or an AI model. If a human didn't author the work, the Copyright Office won't register the copyright (and you can't sue someone if you can't register your copyright). In the eyes of the Copyright Office, the public is free to reproduce, publish, or sell your DALL-E 2 (Tokti.AI) -generated masterpiece, no strings attached.”
  1. To the extent allowed by law and as between yourself and Tokti.AI. You own your image uploads, and you agree that Tokti.AI owns all ‘Artworks’, and you hereby make any necessary assignments for this. Tokti.AI grants you the exclusive rights to reproduce and display such ‘Artworks’ and will not resell ‘Artworks’ that you have created, or assert any copyright in such ‘Artworks’ against you or your end users, all provided that you comply with these terms.
  2. If you violate our terms, your account will be deactivated, we will generally provide you with written notice and a reasonable opportunity to fix your violation, unless it was clearly illegal or abusive.
  3. You understand and acknowledge that similar or nearly identical ‘Artworks’ may be created by other people using similar pet images, and your rights are only to the specific ‘Artworks’ that you have created.