9급 지방직 공무원 서울시 영어(2019. 6. 15.) 시험일자 : 2019년 6월 15일
1. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
(정답률: 63.24%, 43/68)
- ① quarreled
- ② disputed
- ③ parted
- ④ agreed
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2. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
(정답률: 46.43%, 26/56)
- ① derogatory
- ② extrovert
- ③ mandatory
- ④ redundant
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3. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 61.54%, 32/52)
- ① suspected
- ② uncivilized
- ③ cheerful
- ④ volunteered
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4. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 52.38%, 22/42)
- ① curtails
- ② hovers
- ③ initiates
- ④ aggravates
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5. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 36.11%, 13/36)
- ① hallucinations
- ② templates
- ③ inquiries
- ④ commotion
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6. 대화 중 가장 어색한 것은?
(정답률: 56.76%, 21/37)
- ① A:What was the movie like on Saturday? B : Great. I really enjoyed it.
- ② A:Hello. I’d like to have some shirts pressed. B : Yes, how soon will you need them?
- ③ A:Would you like a single or a double room? B :Oh, it’s just for me, so a single is fine.
- ④ A:What time is the next flight to Boston? B : It will take about 45 minutes to get to Boston.
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7. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 29.55%, 13/44)
- ① for
- ② in which
- ③ that
- ④ to solve
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8. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 40.63%, 13/32)
- ① had been emerged as
- ② embarked on
- ③ whereby East and West
- ④ were to continue their competition
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9. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 65.63%, 21/32)
- ① types
- ② Each
- ③ contains
- ④ to change
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10. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 68.75%, 22/32)
- ① maintaining
- ② less
- ③ easier
- ④ getting
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11. 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 78.26%, 18/23)
- ① Securing the Copyright
- ② Pricing the Information Goods
- ③ Information as Intellectual Property
- ④ The Cost of Technological Change
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12. 밑줄 친 부분이 지칭하는 대상이 다른 것은?
(정답률: 47.37%, 9/19)
- ① the insects
- ② the blood-suckers
- ③ they
- ④ they
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13. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 옳은 것은?
(정답률: 52%, 13/25)
- ① give up
- ② take
- ③ giving up
- ④ taken
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14. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 80.95%, 17/21)
- ① Nevertheless
- ② Furthermore
- ③ Conversely
- ④ Similarly
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15. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 40.91%, 9/22)
- ① deal with setbacks
- ② do thorough work
- ③ follow norms
- ④ sidestep stress
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16. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 42.11%, 8/19)
- ① the better world that is still within our reach
- ② the accumulation of wealth in fewer pockets
- ③ an effective response to climate change
- ④ a burning desire for a more viable future
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17. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 44.44%, 8/18)
- ① redemption of the revenger from a depraved condition
- ② divine vengeance on human atrocities
- ③ moral depravity of the corrupt politicians
- ④ an individual’s accountability to his or her own conscience
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18. 글의 흐름상 가장 적절하지 않은 문장은?
(정답률: 68.75%, 11/16)
- ① We read a newspaper this way, or most textbooks, or directions on how to assemble a bicycle.
- ② With most of this material, the reader can learn to scan the page quickly, coming up with what he needs and ignoring what is irrelevant to him, like the rhythm of the sentence, or the play of metaphor.
- ③ We also register a track of feeling through the metaphors and associations of words.
- ④ Courses in speed reading can help us read for this purpose, training the eye to jump quickly across the page.
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19. <보기>의 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 41.18%, 7/17)
- ① ①
- ② ②
- ③ ③
- ④ ④
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20. 글을 문맥에 가장 어울리는 순서대로 배열한 것은?
(정답률: 60%, 9/15)
- ① ㉠-㉢-㉡-㉣
- ② ㉡-㉣-㉠-㉢
- ③ ㉡-㉢-㉣-㉠
- ④ ㉠-㉣-㉢-㉡
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