9급 지방직 공무원 서울시 영어(2016. 6. 25.) 시험일자 : 2016년 6월 25일

1. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은?
(정답률: 44.44%, 4/9)
  • ① passive
  • ② delirious
  • ③ disobedient
  • ④ sporadic

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2. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은?
(정답률: 88.89%, 8/9)
  • ① perjury
  • ② unstable
  • ③ pernicious
  • ④ lavish

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3. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어와 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은?
(정답률: 71.43%, 5/7)
  • ① comeback
  • ② disappearance
  • ③ motivation
  • ④ paucity

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4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 83.33%, 5/6)
  • ① ①
  • ② ②
  • ③ ③
  • ④ ④

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5. 다음 대화에서 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
(정답률: 60%, 3/5)
  • ① ①
  • ② ②
  • ③ ③
  • ④ ④

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6. 어법상 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 33.33%, 1/3)
  • ① that generate
  • ② having generated
  • ③ to be generated
  • ④ being generated

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7. 어법상 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 50%, 2/4)
  • ① who
  • ② whom
  • ③ whose
  • ④ that

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8. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 50%, 2/4)
  • ① nocturnal
  • ② solitary
  • ③ predatory
  • ④ dormant

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9. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 100%, 2/2)
  • ① alternative
  • ② obligation
  • ③ risk
  • ④ order

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10. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 0%, 0/1)
  • ① an exaggerating storyteller
  • ② a courageous emperor
  • ③ an influential figure
  • ④ an utterly ruthless warrior

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11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 연결어를 고르면?
(정답률: 100%, 1/1)
  • ① In short
  • ② For instance
  • ③ Above all
  • ④ In addition

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12. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 0%, 0/2)
  • ① commit
  • ② replace
  • ③ expose
  • ④ sacrifice

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13. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르면?
(정답률: 50%, 1/2)
  • ① efficient - documented
  • ② obsolete - discarded
  • ③ fascinating - reused
  • ④ identical - thrown

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14. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르면?
(정답률: 0%, 0/2)
  • ① dazzling
  • ② vulnerable
  • ③ imperceptible
  • ④ compulsory

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15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어를 순서대로 고르면?
(정답률: 33.33%, 1/3)
  • ① manipulated - sealed
  • ② dominated - overruled
  • ③ committed - tried
  • ④ conducted - enforced

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16. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어를 순서대로 고르면?
(정답률: 0%, 0/0)
  • ① withstood - flaws
  • ② resisted - proofs
  • ③ wasted - examples
  • ④ squandered - pitfalls

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17. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?
(정답률: 100%, 2/2)
  • ① to argue for a need for educational programs
  • ② to recruit employees for an apartment building
  • ③ to attract apartment residents toward programs
  • ④ to recommend ways to improve the living standard

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18. 다음 글을 문맥에 맞게 순서대로 배열한 것은?
(정답률: 50%, 1/2)
  • ① ㉡ - ㉠ - ㉣ - ㉢
  • ② ㉣ - ㉢ - ㉠ - ㉡
  • ③ ㉡ - ㉢ - ㉣ - ㉠
  • ④ ㉣ - ㉡ - ㉢ - ㉠

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19. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 어울리는 것은?
(정답률: 100%, 2/2)
  • ① gloomy
  • ② serene
  • ③ touching
  • ④ boring

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20. 아래 글 바로 다음에 이어질 문장으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르면?
(정답률: 100%, 1/1)
  • ① So spinning objects undergo some changes of their shape, except for the moon and the earth.
  • ② Since the moon rotates more slowly than the earth, it is more nearly spherical.
  • ③ Moreover, the moon‘s diameter has been varied for the last hundred years.
  • ④ In fact, the moon‘s spherical shape is rather unexpected, considering its density and gravity.

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